New all-time highs in European Banks are not exactly sending a warning that the world is about to fall apart.
It's the opposite.
Earth is hitting new all-time highs.
Mathematically, the world has never been a better place. They just won't tell you that on the evening news, because then nobody would watch.
Fortunately, we're not in the entertainment business. We're in the making money in the market business.
So if you're like me, and you're only in the market to try to make a profit, then you're going to want to join me on Monday night for our LIVE Monthly Charts Strategy Session.
We do this at the beginning of every month, and it's where we discuss all of the most important market trends, and dive in very specifically into how we're going to profit from those trends.
This is where all our best ideas come from, but it's exclusive to Premium Members of Allstarcharts Research.
You can click here to join us RISK FREE and be there with us on Monday.
Also, keep in mind that if you cannot be there live, the recording and charts to download will be made available immediately after the completion of our Video Conference Call, along with every other Conference call since 2015.
If you take your portfolio seriously, Monday is a can't miss event.
Click here to start your risk free trial.