1/30/2019 01:24:00 AM

NEVER Ever buy the dip…Do this instead!

Dear Reader,

"Buy the dip!" screaming analysts yell at you when a stock craters.

I shake my head sadly... it's a trap...

Please... Don't ever, ever, ever do this again. You're risking your entire livelihood on a hunch that a stock will magically bounce back a few points.

It's like picking up quarters in front of a steam roller!



I trade full-time using a completely different strategy. I support my wife and our three kids using this strategy. It's a strategy I can hang over 30 years of trading on.

The strategy is trading on momentum.

I'm giving away how to start doing it yourself for free today in my book, "The Little Black Book of Momentum Setups."

Normally I'd charge for it...

But, here it is FREE for a very limited time.

Get it now,

Joe Duffy

30-year momentum trader






> Risk Disclaimer: This email is a paid advertisement. All information is for educational purposes only. Nothing should be considered as a buy or sell recommendation. The risk of loss in trading stocks, commodity futures , forex and options is substantial. Before trading, you should carefully consider your financial position to determine if trading is appropriate. When trading stock, forex, futures or options, it is possible to lose more than the full value of your account. All funds committed should be risk capital. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. This email is a paid advertisement. It could be for a product or service that is not offered, recommended or endorsed by Wolfman Options and neither the company nor its affiliates bear responsibility or control over the content of the advertisement and the product or service offered. Proceed at your own risk

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